Bus Route Information
Finding information on your child's bus route is available through our Versatrans e-link portal. Please visit https://versatrans.flushingschools.org/elinkrp to gain access to this important bus route information.
Username: is your child's student ID number (use any preceding zeroes that are a part of the number)
If you do not know your child's ID number, please look in your ParentVue account. It is listed right under their name.
Password: is that same student ID number.
If your browser is warning about privacy, click on Advanced and then click Proceed to VersaTrans.
Once in the program, hover over STUDENTS in the black bar at the top of the screen, and select VIEW MY STUDENTS. Click on the child's name to view their bus route information.
You will see a separate line for the travel to school and one for the trip back home. The important information to look for is the actual pick-up and/drop off location, the time for pick-up and drop-off, and the bus number. Please see the graphic below for a guide on how to read the information.
If all of your children do not show up in your Versatrans e-Link account, it is because they have different phone numbers listed in Synergy. This is not a problem for accessing the bus route information, just go back to the login screen and enter the "missing" child's student ID number.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our Transportation Department at 810-591-2793.